Toddler Tales and More…

these are the stories of a mommy, daddy and a spunky little toddler.

Cookie Time! December 9, 2011

Filed under: Adventures,Family — de~mommy @ 9:35 pm

I am on a mission to make 5 different kinds from scratch and I am currently on # 3.   I grew up with an awesome tradition of helping my mom bake Christmas cookies and today I got to include my little bugger with the tradition.


Ella is Miss Independent and always wants to help with whatever my husband and I are doing.  She was so excited to help today.  I had all of the ingredients but forgot a few storage containers, so we ran to the store to grab them.  When we came back she helped me unpack the bags and she put everything where SHE thought they belonged.  Later to find out the storage containers ended up in her dresser in her bedroom.  She must have really like them!


We got to baking and made one of Daddy’s favorites – Oatmeal Raisin.  I personally do not like them, but it was also something Ella can enjoy because it contained no milk.  (her allergy)  She added all the dry ingredients in, mixed everything up and even helped use the mixer…I held the back.  Once they were in the oven she watched in pride!  I must say…they taste pretty yummy!



Once we were done it was lunch time and naptime.  Once I got her settled, I came back out to my kitchen and started scrubbing.  I had sugar and flour in every nook and cranny.  Haha!  But I grabbed a broom with a big smile on my face knowing this is another beautiful memory I created with my baby!  and she enjoyed it too!!


Happy Holidays!